Wednesday 4 November 2015

Bar Convent Berlin 2015. An Experience.

Bar Convent Berlin.

Picture of the Mast-Jagermiester stall.

At the beginning of the month I got a chance to experience one of the largest bar shows in the world; Bar Convent Berlin. B.C.B was launched in 2007 and today, is among the largest international meetings in the bar industry. With over 120 exhibitors and an annual crowd of 9'000 people expected each year, I was lucky enough to attend the convention with two other bartenders from Dublin.

Darren at the entrance to White Trash
Outside area of White Trash
We flew from Dublin Airport on a Tuesday morning and landed in Berlin at about 10:30am. A quick taxi into the city and our hotel where we met Christian from Mast-Jagermeister, our host for the the day.

 After we checked in, we got a quick talk about Jagermeister and its history, before we were brought to a place called White Trash Fast Food. This was a quirky place where the outside looking like someone's back garden in Southern America with an old bus as the entrance. the food was good and I was loving there "fuck you fries"

After lunch we got into a Jager jeep(1 of 4 they have) and we were brought to the bar show, While on our way there we drove past some of the city's tourists attractions( remains of the Berlin wall and Checkpoint Charlie). when we arrivied at the show we entered and I was in awe.

B.C.B covers 5 hall with talks going on throughout the show, You could spend a full 2 days there and probably not cover everything. Our first stop was the Mast-Jagermeister stall where they had 4 individual bars each serving a specific style of drink, We went for the sweet and sour stall and the drinks were great, One of my favourites was their Jager style zombie.

We ended up leaving the Jagermeister stall and went on to explore the rest of the show. The show was full of brands from the large brands like Pernod/Ricard to smaller ones like Ugava and Glendalough distillery and even the new Teelings Whiskey, with each stall offering tastings of it product as well as information on it. Monkey 47 gin had a new product on show as well as Chopin vodka.

Me & Matteo Luxardo.
Anna Walsh & Tess Posthumus @ World Class stall.

One of my highlights of the show was getting to sit in on a talk by Jacob Briars & Ivy Mix called 'Standing on the Shoulder of Giants' which was a great talk about how to improve as a bartender. the next moment was meeting Gaz Regan and getting my copy of his book Negroni signed.

The show was full of different things happening through the day. From the World Class stage where competitors of this years competition offered samples of there drinks to cocktail demonstrations.

Towards the end of the show we made our way back to the Jagermeister stall and met with Christian before heading back to the hotel to change before dinner. We went to a quiet little restaurant for dinner which was great (my first time trying Schnitzel) two mains and a Jagermeister in after each.

After dinner we were brought to an after party held in what looked like a dodgy area, but as we rounded a corner, we saw a queue of people waiting. On entering the party we were given tokens which were used to buy your drinks. The place was a large open building with an outside area where a pool was, the music was pumping and the Jagermeister was flowing.

 At some hour in the morning we left the party and made our way back to the hotel, but not before grabbing some pizza. Arriving at the hotel and made sure I had a wake up call for the morning, and we headed to bed to get ready for our trip back to Dublin the next day.

Drinks at the after party.
Picture of us at the after party.

To sum up the trip, I would advise anyone if you have an interest in the industry or are just an avid spirits enthusiast go to Bar Convent Berlin. It is something I will not forget and will hope to be back again next year.

To finish I'd like to say a big thank you to Mast-Jagermeister for bringing me over and showing us such a great time and looking after us so well and Barry & Fitzwilliam for giving me the opportunity to experience the show.